China Ocean Economic Development Index, which gauges China's ocean economic development, rose to 119.9 in 2015, the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) announced Thursday.
During the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) period, the annual growth rate of the China Ocean Economic Development Index was 3.7 percent, suggesting a good overall development of the ocean economy.
“中国海洋经济发展指数”(China Ocean Economic Development Index)是对一定时期我国海洋经济发展的综合量化评价(comprehensive quantitative evaluation on China's ocean economy development in a certain period),包括发展水平(development level)、发展成效(development efficiency)和发展潜力(development potential)3个指数。基础数据主要来源于国务院有关部门、国家海洋局相关业务司及各类统计年鉴和统计公报,以2010年为基期,基期指数设定为100。
发展水平指数(development level sub-index)主要体现海洋经济发展的规模、结构、效益和开放水平(development scale, structure, benefits and openness of the ocean economy);发展成效指数(development efficiency sub-index)主要体现海洋经济发展的稳定性和民生改善状况(the development stability of the ocean economy and the people's quality of life);发展潜力指数(development potential sub-index)主要体现海洋经济的创新驱动和资源环境承载能力(innovation in the ocean economy and natural resources and the environment)。