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  如苏州翻译公司专家以下举得这个句子按顺句驱动的原则来译:“所有人//都可以借助互联网资源//来学习,不论他们是哪个民族、//何种性别、//何种肤色、//只要他们可能接入互联网。”译文:“All can study //by relying on internet resources// regardless of their race, nationality and ***// providing that //they could have access to the internet.”同声传译是与原语发言人的发言同步进行的,翻译活动必须在原语发言人讲话结束后瞬间内(或同时)结束。因此,同传译员要最大限度地在翻译过程中争取缩短翻译与原语发言之间的时间差。这个时间差越小,译员记忆的内容就会越多,译出的信息也就越多。英汉语的语序差别较大,要完全听明白原语语序、意义之后再进行翻译则很难跟上原语发言人。因此,“顺句驱动是英汉同声传译的一个最大特征。”
  如:“I went to Holiday Inn//for a seminar// at 10 o'clock//yesterday.”按顺句驱动的原则,可能这样译:“我去了假日酒店//参加一个研讨会//在十点钟//昨天。”加上调整过程,这个句子在实际翻译中可能会被译为:“我去假日酒店//参加一个研讨会//时间是昨天上午十点。”
  Simultaneous interpretation is both art and technology. Therefore, in carrying out simultaneous interpretation, certain basic principles should be followed in order to effectively complete translation work. The Suzhou translation company has compiled the following basic principles of simultaneous interpretation.
  Interpretation of simultaneous interpretation principles
  1, syntactic linearity: in Si process, the interpreter to hear primitives sequence of sentences, the sentence meaning group into units or unit of information, and then use the conjunction of these units naturally connected, the overall meaning of the translation. This method of translation is "sentence driven"".
  Such as Suzhou translation company experts for the following sentences according to the syntactic linearity principle of Translation: "all people can learn to use the Internet / resources / / regardless of whether they are a nation, what sex, what color / / / / / /, as long as they could have access to the internet." "All can study //by relying on Internet resources// regardless of their race nationality and providing //they could have ***// that access to the internet." is the simultaneous interpretation and speaker speech synchronized, translation activities must be in the moment of the speaker after the speech (or end). Therefore, interpreters should strive to maximize the shortening between translation and the meaning of the original speech of the time difference in the process of translation. The smaller the time difference, the more content the interpreter will remember and the more information he will translate. The word order in English and Chinese varies greatly. It is very difficult to keep up with the source language when the word order and meaning of the original language are fully understood and then translated. Therefore, "sentence driven" is one of the most important features of simultaneous interpretation."
  2, adjust: adjust the simultaneous proofreading process in the process of translation, the interpreter is received in accordance with the new content adjustment information and correction of wrong translation, omission of important supplement. As in English, where time mostly appeared at the end of the sentence, in the use of syntactic linearity translation, will be translated, and appear the adverbial.
  Such as: "I went to Holiday Inn//for a seminar// at 10 o'clock//yesterday. according to the syntactic linearity principle may be that:" I went to the Holiday Inn to attend a seminar / / / / / / at ten o'clock yesterday." With the adjustment process, the sentence may be translated in the actual translation: "I went to the Holiday Inn to attend a seminar / / / / time is at ten yesterday morning."
  3, information equivalence: faithfulness (faithfulness) has always been regarded as the criterion for testing translation. But in simultaneous interpretation, it is sometimes difficult to be faithful to the original. Sometimes, though faithful to the original, it is not recognized by the audience. Interpretation is different from translation, can be enough time to conceive, deliberate, simultaneous translation requires an interpreter to accept in a very limited time information restructuring, make the target audience to understand the content of the speech of the speaker. Therefore, Shenzhen translation company Zhang summarized in simultaneous translation, the primitives of the word and sentence, sometimes it is difficult to translate the translator should strive to perfect in every respect, according to the information received is mainly of words and sentences and text to convey master speaker, expressed at the same time with the audience is very easy to understand language the way. That is to say, in the process of translation, we should accomplish the whole "information equivalence"".
  Simultaneous interpretation
  The above is the Suzhou Si translation company we summarize the simultaneous need to follow the principles of translation, I hope to help you!



